Hello everyone!
After 7 months of not posting I finally came back with another post!
And before I start I just wanted to say happy new year, I can't wait to see what 2017 has in store for us and I wish you have a great 2017!
So I've been following this Malaysian lipstick company called Velvet Vanity on Instagram for quite a while now, maybe about 3 months give or take? and when I first discovered it I instantly fell in love with their products bc the colours are really really pretty and I've wanted to buy them but I was waiting for the right time to come. And when the time finally came, I immediately placed my orders!! So yayy!!
Anyway, Velvet Vanity was having a christmas sale where you buy all 3 liquid lipsticks for RM100 (I know, what a steal right?) so I decided to buy all three of them bc why not? and I just received my package last week. So now, I am going to give you my thoughts on the liquid lipsticks!
First of all, can we talk about how cute the packaging is I mean, look at this, this is so cuuuuuteee! And every package comes with a thank you card from Velvet Vanity so you're welcome!
And this is what the colours of the lipsticks look like:
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Left to Right: Cheap Thrills, Mr. West, Slamberry |
Like I said, pretty right? After I received my package I decided to do 3 different makeup looks using all 3 lipsticks, and these are the outcomes:
Cheap Thrills
Mr. West
I decided to kinda match the look with the colour of the lipsticks, so the look using Cheap Thrills I decided to go with a light brownish theme, regular smokey eye and brownish hijab and clothes, for Mr. West I decided to wear all black and do a darker smokey eye, and the look using Slamberry I decided to be colourful, rainbow hijab, denim jacket and pink eyeshadow to match Slamberry's colour.
After trying them out my thoughts are:
- - It is super lightweight!: It really doesn't feel as though you are wearing lipstick at all!
- - Very waterproof!: You really need to use makeup wipes or facial wash to remove makeup in order to remove the lipstick, just water is not enough
- - Long lasting
- - Doesn't wear off easily: Even if you've drunk loads of liquid (water, coffee, milo) it won't wear off!
- - Not transferable: Meaning you can kiss your significant other or anything really, and the lipstick won't transfer to whatever you kissed
- - Lastly, like I've mentioned before, v v v pretty colours
The best part is, Velvet Vanity liquid lipsticks are 100% vegan and cruelty free! So to conclude everything, I really really really like Velvet Vanity's lipsticks! Definitely recommended especially for you lipstick junkies out there! For my Indonesian readers, if you are interested in buying any Velvet Vanity liquid lipsticks you can go to their official website, shopvelvetvanity.com or go to Instagram page @makeupmodellare which is the official distributor of Velvet Vanity Cosmetics in Indonesia.
So that's it for this blog post, thank you so much for reading this! x
Halo semuanyaaaa!
Jadi setelah 7 bulan ga nge-post gw akhirnya kembali dengan post yg baru!
Nah skrg sebelum mulai, gw cuman mau ngucapin selamat tahun baru, ga sabar deh buat ngeliat apa yg 2017 punya buat kita, dan semoga kalian semua bakal punya 2017 yg bagus!
Jadi, kurang lebih 3 bulan yg lalu gw nge-follow akun Instagram makeup company dari Malaysia yg namanya Velvet Vanity. Sejak pertama follow gw tuh langsung jatuh cinta sama product mereka karena warnanya tuh cantik2 bgt dan gw udh lama bgt pengen beli tp nunggu waktu yg tepat. Dan saat waktu yg tepat datang, gw langsung order hehehe.
Anyway, waktu itu Velvet Vanity lg ngadain christmas sale, dimana 3 liquid lipstick itu RM100 (kira2 Rp300.000 - Rp350.000). Pas pertama liat gw langsung kaget karena murah banget kan, jd langsung beli deh 3 3 nya karena knp engga? hehehe. Paket gw baru aja nyampe minggu lalu, jd sekarang gw mau ngebahas opini gw tentang liquid lipsticknya Velvet Vanity.
Pertama, liat deh packagingnya, lucu banget kan?? Udah gt di setiap paket ada thank you card dari Velvet Vanity, jadi sama-sama!
Dan ini warna lipstick2nya:
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Kiri ke Kanan: Cheap Thrills, Mr. West, Slamberry |
Kayak yg gw bilang, cantik kan warnanya? Setelah paketnya sampe gw iseng2 aja dandan bikin 3 makeup look yg berbeda memakai 3 lipstick2nya, dan ini hasilnya:
Cheap Thrills
Mr. West
Jadi gw tuh dandannya ngepas-in warna lipsticknya, jadi buat warna Cheap Thrills gw pake hijab dan baju warna kecoklatan, sama regular smokey eye buat eye makeupnya, trs buat Mr. West, gw pake all black, dan smokey eye yg lebih gelap, trs buat Slamberry pake hijab warna-warni, jaket denim, terus buat eye makeupnya pake warna pink.
Setelah coba semuanya, opini gw adalah:
- - Super enteng!: bener2 ga kerasa pake lipstick saking ringannya di bibir!
- - Sangat anti air: klo mau nge hapus lipsticknya bener2 harus pake makeup wipes atau sabun muka buat ngebersihin makeup, karena air biasa aja ga cukup
- - Tahan lama
- - Ga gampang ke hapus: meskipun minum banyak air (air biasa, kopi, atau milo) gabakal ke hapus deh lipsticknya!
- - Ga transferable: Maksudnya lipsticknya gabakal nempel ke apapun atau siapapun kalian cium
- - Terakhir, seperti yg sudah pernah dibilang sebelumnya, warnanya tuh cantik2 banget!
Yang paling bagus adalah, liquid lipstick dari Velvet Vanity itu 100% vegan dan cruelty free, jadi pakai plant-based ingredients dan produknya tidak di tes pada binatang! Jadi, secara ringkas, gw bener2 suka sama liquid lipsticknya Velvet Vanity! Sangat recommended apalagi kalian yg suka banget sama lipstick! Untuk pembaca Indonesia gw, kalian klo tertarik mau beli liquid lipstick dari Velvet Vanity bisa ke official website mereka, shopvelvetvanity.com atau ke Instagram user @makeupmodellare, yaitu distributor officialnya Velvet Vanity di Indonesia.
Itu aja buat post ini, makasih yaa udh baca sampe akhir! x