My Favourite Fashion Pieces
13:52From garments to jewellery, here are my favourites
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You know, I think this is my first time writing a proper, fashion related blog post. But then again, it's a blog. There isn't supposed to be a proper way of writing a blog post.
Let's jump straight right in, shall we?
1. Jackets/Cardigan
I absolutely love jackets and cardigans. Especially denim jackets. They are super easy to style and require minimum effort to look stylish with jackets/cardigans on. I literally just put on a tank top or plain shirt and throw on my jacket/cardigan on, pair it with jeans or leggings and voila! You're good to go! Perfect when you don't feel like spending a lot of time trying to mix and match your outfit or when you're just in a hurry for school/uni.
2. Culottes/Palazzo
This item is super duper fashionable! You do not know how much I love wearing culottes or Palazzo. I just feel extra fashionable whenever I wear this fashion piece. Pair it with a blouse, or bell sleeved shirt or just plain shirt would look super good! Don't forget to tuck your top in! Or at least tuck the front part of your top in and let the rest out. Can you imagine how chic anyone would look like? As for shoes you can wear anything, like heels, sneakers, boots, flats, you name it.
3. Dainty Watch
This watch is from my mum, and I absolutely love it! I feel like small, vintage-y watches are a lot better that the watches that are out in the market right now.
4. Statement Jewellery
Such as earrings, necklaces, and rings. Lately I've been really into these jewellery. For example tassel earrings, or feather earrings, hoop earrings, honestly any type of earrings. I used to not like them because I am a hijabi and I thought "lol how am I gonna wear earrings if my ears are covered?". But now I've seen a lot of hijabi bloggers wear earrings and I took that as an inspiration and now I just love earrings so much. As for necklaces, I'm talking about those necklaces you'd find in Lovisa, you know those statement necklaces. I think they're perfect if you're wearing a plain shirt and you want to "spice it up". And for rings, I really like those simple, fashion rings. The right jewellery can definitely make you look a lot more stylish.
I will update this post with more pictures, as of now I think these pictures will do. I really don't have time to take proper pictures as I take them myself, I don't have a photographer and I wish I do!
I hope you liked this blog post, thank you for reading! x
Tau ga, kayaknya ini kali pertama gue nulis blog yg bener. Tapi kan ini blog, ga seharusnya ada cara tertenu buat nulis blog.
Langsung ke postnya aja yuk!
1. Jaket/Kardigan
Gue suka banget sama jaket/ kardigan. Apalagi denim jaket. Mereka tuh super gampang di style dan ga perlu usaha banyak untuk tampil stylish dengan jaket/kardigan. Gue bisa aja cuman pake tank top atau kaos polos terus tinggal pake jaket/kardigan dan di cocokin sama jeans atau legging dan jadi deh! Bisa langsung keluar rumah. Sempurna buat kalian yang ga punya waktu atau males dandan atau telat buat ke sekolah/kampus.
2. Kulot/Palazo
Barang ini super duper fashionable! Kalian gatau seberapa besar gue cinta sama kulot/palazo. Gue ngerasa extra fashionable kalo lagi pake ini. Di cocokin sama blouse, bell sleeve shirt atau kaos polos bakal keliatan bagus banget! Jangan lupa bajunya di masukin! Atau paling engga masukin bagian depan dan sisanya biarin di luar. Bisa bayangin ga seberapa kerennya orang kalo pake ini? Nah buat sepatu, kalian bisa pake apa aja, boots, heels, sneakers, apa aja bisa.
3. Jam Tangan Kecil
Jam tangan ini dari nyokap, dan gue suka banget! Gue rasa jam tangan kecil yg vintage gitu lebih bagus daripada jam tangan yang ada di pasaran sekarang.
4. Aksesoris Fashion
Seperti anting, kalung sama cincin. Belakangan ini gue lagi suka banget sama aksesoris fashion, kayak anting rumbai, anting bulu, anting berbentuk hoop, anting apa aja dah pokoknya. Gue dulu ga suka sama anting karena sebagai hijabi gue mikir, "Gimana caranya gue pake anting kalo kuping gue ketutup". Tapi sekarang gue udh banyak liat blogger hijabi yg pake anting dan gue jadiin itu sebagai inspirasi dan sekarang gue suka banget sama anting. Untuk kalung, gue suka sama tipe-tipe kalung yg dijual di Lovisa. Kalau menurut gue, kalung seperti itu perfect kalo kalian lagi pake kaos polos dan pengen keliatan lebih stylish. Dan untuk cincin, gue suka sama cincin yang simpel, tp fashionable. Aksesoris yg tepat tentu bisa membuat kalian keliatan lebih stylish.
Gue bakal update post ini dengan foto yang lebih banyak, untuk sekarang kayaknya foto-foto ini cukup deh. Gue gapunya waktu buat ngambil foto yg bagus karena gue ngambil foto-foto ini sendiri, gue ga punya fotografer dan sebenernya pengen punya!
Gue harap kalian suka sama post ini, terima kasih udah baca! x