
Velvet Vanity Cosmetic's newest campaign
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What?!! 2 posts in a day? W0W!!! I am SHOOK myself you guys. LEGIT a rare thing for Almira to do;) Get it? No? Ok let me explain.

SHOOK (deep berry pink) and LEGIT (deep mauve) are the 2 new shades from Velvet Vanity Cosmetic's latest campaign, BREAK THE INTERNET.

Pic Source: Velvet Vanity

I am super elated that I was given the opportunity to be part of Velvet Vanity's Affiliate Programme. Meaning they send me lipsticks from their latest campaign and I get my own promo code (SLAYYMIRA <-- use that at check out on their website for a discount!). Anyway, on to what this post is supposed to be about....



Let me tell you about the texture of their lipsticks. They're very very creamy and don't feel heavy at all! It's a matte finish and it doesn't dry your lips at all! As long as you moisturise your lips of course. I actually already made a review about Velvet Vanity lipstick and I stand by what I said in that review. Except one thing that has changed is, this time their liquid lipstick dries faster!



So if you guys are interested in their products, visit their website or Instagram. Don't forget to use code 'SLAYYMIRA' to save some money! Go 'head and treat yo self gurl, you deserve it!


Apa?!! 2 post dalam sehari? W0W!!! Gw SHOOK sm diri sendiri loh! LEGIT jarang bgt Almira ngelakuin ini;) Ngerti ga? Engga? Ok biar gue jelasin.

SHOOK (deep berry pink) dan LEGIT (deep mauve) adalah 2 warna terbaru dari kampanye terbaru Velvet Vanity Cosmetics, BREAK THE INTERNET.

Pic Source: Velvet Vanity

Gue sangat bahagia bisa di kasih kesempatan untuk menjadi bagian dari Program Afiliasi Velvet Vanity Cosmetics. Jadi mereka ngrimin gue lipstick dari kampanye baru mereka dan gue dapet promo code sendiri (SLAYYMIRA <-- pake code itu saat checkout di website mereka untuk mendapatkan diskon!). Anyway, balik ke topik asal post ini...


Biar gue jelasin textur lipstick mereka. Lipsticknya tuh sangat sangat creamy dan sama sekali ga terasa berat di bibir. Dia itu matte dan sama sekali ga mengkeringkan bibir! Selama kalian melembabkan bibir kalian dulu. Gue sebenernya udh bikin review tentang Velvet Vanity Lipsticks dan opini gw masih sama. Cuman klo sekarang lipstick mereka kering lebih cepat!


Jadi klo kalian tertarik sama produk mereka, bisa visit website atau Instagram. Jangan lupa pake code 'SLAYYMIRA' untuk hemat duit! Go 'head and treat yo self gurl, you deserve it!


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